Tag Directives

This is a list of tag directives.
Please see the examples that follow.

Directive Name Function
TYPE Specifies tag category.
EDIT Specifies edit format.
CELL Specifies cell to begin output.
DATA Specifies type of data.
HEADER Specifies whether or not to export CSV header.
START_AT Specifies start date of report data.
END_AT Specifies end date of report data.
GROUP Specifies the report category.
ASPECT Specifies aggregate format of data.
DAILY_LEVEL Specifies time frame used for aggregation.
FROM_LEVEL Specifies source of aggregation level.
ANTE_FILTER Specifies media filter.
SEGMENT Specifies device filter.
SHOW_SEGMENT Specifies display of device types.
MEDI_FILTER Specifies detailed filter.
POST_FILTER Specifies metric filter.
SERIES Further segments data specified in ASPECT by day, month, etc.
FLAT Vertically aligns SERIES data.
ITEMS Specifies data items to export to Excel.
SORTS Sort data in increasing/decreasing order.
SHIFT Specifies display orientation.
SUM Specifies position of Totals row.
COUNT Specifies maximum rows of report data.
ROUND_UP Collapses data exceeding maximum number of data rows specified by COUNT into “Others” row.
SELECTOR Used to filter dice directly below.
SHOW_ALL_ASPECT_ROWS Used to display rows of items below with no data.
PAGES Specifies sheets to copy in Copy Sheet tag.
OPTIONS Used for customized options.


There are a few directives listed on the report tag exported by dice that are not actually used in the reports. These directives are utilized only on the glu dashboard. Deleting the following directives from the tag will not affect the exported report.

Directive Function
ATTR_SELECT Repeats selected items on glu dashboard under [View > Repeat Col.]
Specify items numbers to accomplish this on the tag.
TRANSPOSE Transposes columns and rows on glu dashboard under [View > Transpose table]
Specify SHIFT=right to accomplish this on the tag.
SHOW_SUM Indicates “Totals Row” under View > Table on glu. On the tag, use SUM to determine placement of Totals Row.



Tag Categories.

Value Function
table Table format
chart Chart format (pasted over the chart)
book Sheet Format
Note: This TYPE is for copying sheets. By using PAGESEDIT=copy_straight OR copy_tuple , you can make sheet copies for number of data aspect items.


Edit Format.

Value Function
paste Paste data.
paste_extend Copy format of first row & and paste data.
insert Insert rows above and paste data.
insert_after Insert rows below and paste data.
copy_straight Mimics order of multiple sheets when copying sheets.
copy_tuple Copies sheets based on Sheet Copy tag’s aspect.

※ Points to note when using insert、insert_after 
1. Formatting Shapes
Due to Excel specifications, tags may be unintentionally copied during report compilation. In order to avoid this, we recommend setting the tag (recognized a shape by Excel) with the following procedure.

  • Select the tag.
  • Right click, select “Format Shape”.
  • Click “Size and Properties”.
  • Open “Properties”.
  • Select “Don’t move or size with cells”.

2.Tag Compilation Order
When compiling multiple tags within one sheet, compilation will begin with the bottom-most tag.
To make sure rows insert in the right order, start by placing tags belonging to the lowest rows at the very bottom, and work upwards.

※ This can be easily done with Excel’s Selection Pane. Please see Showing/Hiding Tags.

■ Using EDIT
Paste overwrites rows lying directly beneath the tag.
Insert inserts new rows according to the number of data items. Use insert when you have pre-entered items (such as totals rows) or placed other tags in rows below the tag.

Inserts rows downwards according to number of data items.
Useful when outputting stats totals with SUM functions or shifting cell addresses downwards.

copy_straight & copy_tuple
These EDITS are for making sheet copies.
Use along with PAGES and TYPE=book to make a sheet copy for each item.


Data Output Position

None Fills in data from upper-left corner of tag.
Cell Position Fills in data from cell specified




Data Categories

Value Function
Report Report Data
Attribute Client Attributes (Cases where you specify name, etc.)
Parameter Input Variable (Period specification such as date)




Export Headers from CSV

Value Function
Yes Export headers from CSV
No Doesn’t export headers from CSV




Specify Starting and Ending Points of Report

Value Function
START_AT =from,*1,*2,*3
END_AT =from,*1,*2,*3
*1 Specifies Interval year,half,quarter,week,month,month_last,day
*2 Specifies how many intervals to backtrack *1) 0 is current time units such as current day, current month, etc., 1 is past time units such as 1 day ago, 1 month ago
*3 Day of month specified in *2 -1 is last day of month
*3(In cases where *1 represents month_last) Specifies how many days to backtrack from last day of month 0 is last day of month, 1 is 1 day before last day of month, 2 is 2 days before last day of month, etc.
START_AT =at,yyyy-mm-dd
END_AT =at,yyyy-mm-dd
Specify date directly

※Cases where you specify “from” will represent a day relative to the reference date.

The Reference Date is the day that serves as a reference at the time of compilation.
For manual compilation, the reference date will be the same as the date designated on the left under the Report tab “Period”.
For the auto-generated report, you can specify the Reference Date per Report Condition.


Value Function
Fetch data of Reference Date.
Fetch data of past 30 days from Reference Date.
Fetch data from 1st to last day of month of Reference Date.
Fetch data of past 34 days from end of month of Reference Date.
Fetch data of January to December of year of Reference Date.
Determine period directly
START_AT=at,${CELL_VALUE=’Sheet Name’!A5}
END_AT=at,${CELL_VALUE=’Sheet Name’!A6}
Refer to cell value. ※1 May be on separate sheet.

Note: To reference the value of a cell where you have fetched the reference date via a tag, place the tag fetching the reference date as the bottom-most tag to ensure it executes first. Please see Tag Summary> 5. Showing/Hiding Tags when adjusting the compilation order of tags.


Specifies the Report Category.

Value Function
report_group_default Used for Basic reports.
report_group_at_report Used for Tool Reports such as Google Analytics & AD EBiS.


Specifies Report Aggregation Level

Value Function
report_aspect_daily Daily
report_aspect_weekly:0 Weekly※1
report_aspect_monthly Monthly
report_aspect_weekdays Weekday
report_aspect_children Item
report_aspect_accounts Account
report_aspect_campaigns Campaign
report_aspect_campaigns_x_name Campaign Name
report_aspect_adgroups Ad Group
report_aspect_adgroups_x_name Ad Group Name
report_aspect_criteria Keyword
report_aspect_criteria_x_name Keyword Name
report_aspect_ads Ad
report_aspect_ads_x_name Ad Name
report_aspect_ads_x_headline Creative (Banner)
report_aspect_destination_urls destination URL
report_aspect_placement_urls placement URL
report_aspect_display_keywords Display Keyword
report_aspect_geographies Region
report_aspect_geographies_area_large Region Broad
report_aspect_geographies_x_area_large Region Broad (name)
report_aspect_geographies_x_country Region Country (name)
report_aspect_location_targets Target Region
report_aspect_location_targets_x_name Target Region (name)
report_aspect_location_targets_x_country Target Region Country (name)
report_aspect_audiences Audience
report_aspect_display_topics Topic
report_aspect_genders Gender
report_aspect_genders_x_name Gender (name)
report_aspect_age_ranges Age
report_aspect_age_ranges_x_name Age (name)
report_aspect_actions Action
report_aspect_queries Search Query
report_aspect_campaign_queries Campaign Search Query
report_aspect_adgroup_queries Ad Group Search Query
report_aspect_criterion_queries Keyword Search Query
report_aspect_videos Video

※For weekly report figures, you may specify the day with the following:
0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday
(By default, the day will be set to 0 = Sunday)


Specifies level for which Daily Output is possible.
Note: You must fetch daily data for the campaign/keyword/ad level beforehand.

Variable Function
any Daily output possible on all data levels.
campaign Daily output possible until Campaign level.
account Daily output possible until Account level.


Specifies the source of data aggregation.

Value Function
accounts Sets Account as data aggregation source. Requires Account data retrieval.
adgroups Sets Ad Group as data aggregation source. Requires Ad Group data retrieval.
criteria Sets Keyword as data aggregation source. Requires Keyword data retrieval.
ads Sets Ads as data aggregation source. Requires Ad data retrieval.


Filters report data by media.

Value Function
report_ante_filter_none none
report_ante_filter_search Search/Search Network
report_ante_filter_content Display/Display Network
report_ante_filter_media_g_aw Google AdWords
report_ante_filter_media_g_aw_search Google AdWords Search
report_ante_filter_media_g_aw_content Google AdWords Display
report_ante_filter_media_y_ss Yahoo! Sponsored Search
report_ante_filter_media_y_im Yahoo! Display Ad Network
report_ante_filter_media_x_zeus Remora Listing
report_ante_filter_media_d2c D2C
report_ante_filter_media_d2c_search D2C Search
report_ante_filter_media_d2c_content D2C Contents Targeting
report_ante_filter_media_bing Bing
report_ante_filter_media_bing_search Bing Search
report_ante_filter_media_bing_content Bing Content
report_ante_filter_media_fo FreakOut
report_ante_filter_media_co Criteo
report_ante_filter_media_ds Google DoubleClick
report_ante_filter_media_fb Facebook
report_ante_filter_media_nend nend
report_ante_filter_media_mab MicroAd BLADE


Specifies aggregation method for device segmentation.

T: Tablet
M: Smartphone
O: Other feature phones, game consoles, etc.

Value Function
report_segment_devices:c_t_m_o (Default) Aggregate C,T,M,O individually.※1
report_segment_devices:ct_m_o Total C&T, Aggregate M,O individually.
report_segment_devices:ct_mo Total C&T and Total M&O.
report_segment_devices:c_tmo Aggregate C individually, Total TMO.
report_segment_devices:ctm_o Total CTM and aggregate O individually.
report_segment_devices:ctmo Total CTMO and aggregate.

※The report may not line up C,T,M,O exactly in this order, so you will need to specify the device order with SORTS. Also, devices without any stats will not export to the report.

Ex. To line up device stats per campaign in a fixed order, specify the campaign and device item numbers with SORTS.
# 1: By Account
# 2: By Campaign
# 3: Media Type
# 4: Device
# 5: Impressions


Specify the display format of device types when segmenting Aspect by device.
※ SHOW_SEGMENT may be used in conjunction with SEGMENT.
※ Device is the only segmentable item.

Value Function
report_show_segment_none_by_aspect Do not display segmented device types.
report_show_segment_first_by_aspect Display segmented device types in front of data. ※Device item numbers shown before metrics.
report_show_segment_last_by_aspect Display segmented device types at end of data. ※Device item numbers shown at end of metrics.

To export tags from the glu UI to display device types:

  1. Select a dice for reporting.
  2. Open Report tab.
  3. Open Data.
  4. Select Campaign as (example) Aspect.
  5. Under Segment select a Device(s).
  6. Open View.
  7. Under Segment select First column segmented by aspect.
  8. Click Export.
  9. Select Report Tag.


Report Filtering Conditions

With MEDI_FILTER you can filter pre-aggregated data even more flexibly.
You can define conditions for filtering by device. In addition, you can specify custom conditions or filter according to media structure (campaign, ad group, keyword, etc.)

■ Defined Conditions
Conditions for filtering by device.
※ SEGMENT specification is necessary for device filtering.

Value Function
report_medi_filter_segment_device:ctm Exclude O.
report_medi_filter_segment_device:ct Export only CT.
report_medi_filter_segment_device:mo Export only MO.
report_medi_filter_segment_device:m Export only M.
report_medi_filter_segment_device:c Export only C.

To specify custom values in addition to device filtering, separate the two with “&” such as below.

■ Specifying Conditions for Custom Filtering

You can filter by account ID, campaign name, exact match or broad match conditions, etc.

Points to Heed

  1. When using LIKE, use the following 2 characters as a wildcard.
    % Random character string over 0 characters
     _ Random 1 character
  2. For filtered items including symbols, insert ¥¥ before the object name to recognize it as a character string.
    % percent
    _ underscore
    quotation mark
    single quotation mark

    Ex. 1)Filter campaign names ending in “100%”
    Add a “¥¥” before “%” part of campaign name
    MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.name LIKE '%100¥¥%'"

Example Conditions
Examples of possible medi_filter custom conditions

    • Filter by campaign name
    • Filter all items except for particular campaign name
    • Filter campaign names beginning with “Remarketing”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.name LIKE'Remarketing%'"
    • Filter campaign names ending with”/RM”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.name LIKE'%/RM'"
    • Filter campaign names containing “CT”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.name LIKE'%CT%'"
    • Filter multiple campaign names
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"(CP.name='Tokyo' OR CP.name='Singapore')"
    • Filter campaign names containing “CT” or “RM”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"(CP.name LIKE'%CT%' OR CP.nameLIKE'%RM%')"
    • Filter all campaign names except those containing “CT” or “RM”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"(CP.name NOT LIKE'%CT%' AND CP.name NOT LIKE '%RM%')"
    • Filter ad group names starting with “DOCOMO”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"AG.name LIKE'DOCOMO%'"
    • Filter all keywords containing “Tokyo”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CR.name LIKE'%Tokyo%'"
    • Filter all ad names beginning with “Responsive”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"AD.ad_type LIKE 'Responsive%'"
    • Filter all ads names not containing “TEXT”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"AD.ad_type NOT LIKE '%TEXT%'"
    • Filter image sizes containing “300”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"AD.image_size LIKE'%300%'"
    • Filter image sizes of 300×250
    • Filter by keyword match type


    Keyword Match Type Function
    EXACT Exact match
    BROAD Broad match, Broad match modifier
    PHRASE Phrase match

    Filter by Google AdWords campaign types

    • Filter by Video campaigns
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.campaign_type IN ('VIDEO')"
    • Filter by Shopping Campaigns as well as Campaign names beginning with “Spring SALE”
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.campaign_type IN ('Shopping') AND CP.name LIKE 'Spring SALE%'"
    • Filter Universal App Campaigns ※ Specify as a CP.sub_type
      MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"CP.sub_type IN ('Universal App Campaign')"


    Campaign Type Details
    Search Search network campaign
    Display Display network campaign
    Shopping Shopping campaign
    Video Video campaign
    Universal App Campaign Universal App campaign ※ Specify as a CP.sub_type
  • Filter Facebook Ads and Instagram platforms
    MEDI_FILTER=report_medi_filter_custom:"RR.network_id = '16777282'"

    Platform Number Platform
    16777282 INSTAGRAM
    65536 UNKNOWN

■ Values that can be used in Custom Conditions
・Metric and Attribute Examples

Value Function
AC.name Account Name
AC.sid Account ID
CP.name Campaign Name
AG.name Ad Group Name
CR.name Keyword Name
AD.name Ad Name
DU.name Destination URL
PU.name Placement URL
DK.name Display Keyword
DT.name Topic
AU.name Audience
GN.name Gender
AE.name Age
GG.name Country
AD.image_size Image Size

・Media/Tool Identifiers

Identifier Media/Tool
ZEUS Remora Listing
CO Criteo
DBM DoubleClick Bid Manager
DS DoubleClick Search
D2C D2C Performance Ads
FB Facebook
FO FreakOut
AW Google AdWords
GA Google Analytics
LA Logicad
NEND nend
TW Twitter
SS Yahoo! Sponsored Search
IM Yahoo! Display Ad Network

※ Please contact our Support Team about all other conditions.


Report Filtering Conditions.

Applies to post-aggregated data.

■ Defined Conditions

Value Function
report_post_filter_no_clicks Displays only data with no clicks
report_post_filter_no_convs Displays only data with no conversions
report_post_filter_has_clicks Displays only data with clicks
report_post_filter_has_convs Displays only data with conversions
report_post_filter_has_revenue Displays only data with revenue
report_post_filter_custom For filtering conditions not listed above

■ Conditions for Custom Filtering
Please refer to the following as examples for possible filtering conditions.

Filtering impressions of 1000 or greater


■ Values Used for Custom Filtering

Value Function
SUM(report_imps) Impressions
SUM(report_clicks) Clicks
SUM(report_cost) Cost
SUM(report_conv_u) Conversions (Unique)
SUM(report_conv_t) Conversions (Total)
SUM(report_revenue) Revenue

※Above conditions may be added or modified in dice type settings.


Segment data aggregated by ASPECT even further by week, month, etc.

Value Function
report_series_monthly By month
report_series_daily By day
report_series_weekly By week
report_series_weekdays By day of week


Campaigns Per Day

Campaign 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4
CAMPAIGN A 12,321 3,452 6,352 4,255
CAMPAIGN B 356 50 128 305
CAMPAIGN C 1,256 998 752 30


Vertically align the table created in SERIES.

Value Function
1 Align vertically

Ex. Specify FLAT=1



Specifies item numbers of data items to be exported in the report.

Outputting several items

Separate item numbers with commas.
Ex. ITEMS=1,2,3,7,8,9

Skipping columns

Data will not output to columns denoted with zeros. Use “0” to skip columns where you have set up Excel Functions.
Ex. ITEMS=1,2,3,7,0,8,9

New line

Insert “b” instead of an item number to start a new line from that column.
Ex. ITEMS=1,2,3,7,b,8,9


Special Case: Exporting Images to Ad Reports

Insert “=IMG(number)” to output an ad image..
In the “number” section, fill in the item number of the ad title.
ITEMS= =IMG(17),1,2,3

Special Case: Joint usage with SERIES

・Use “=top()” to extract the first value appearing in the repetitive sequence in SERIES.
Format:=top(1st ITEMS number * 2nd ITEMS number of same item – 1st ITEMS number)
Please confirm ITEMS numbers on the tag you are using.
Ex. ITEMS=1,2,3,=top(8*100),9

Usage: When you want to output account attributes (such as account IDs) to the Account Daily Report.

Ex. When outputting the daily report with SERIES without FLAT=1, accounts with impartial data, such as Account B and C below without impressions on 2/1, will also be included. You can dynamically output the account IDs for these accounts, even for dates with impartial report data.
Only Account A’s ID will output when denoting Account IDs for 2/1. There is also the possibility of dates with no stats for any account.
Using “=top()” can clear these sort of issues. It will automatically adopt the account ID of the first day with stats for any particular account.

ACCOUNT ACCOUNT ID 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4
ACCOUNT A 111222333 12,321 3,452 6,352 4,255
ACCOUNT B 444555666 50 128 305
ACCOUNT C 777888999 30


Sorts the data order.

Specify the column numbers (from the CSV file) of the data items you wish to sort.

Increasing & Decreasing Order

Add a minus sign to sort in decreasing order.

Sorting Multiple Items

To specify multiple items separate with a comma. When the previous column contains the same stat multiple times, you can sort based on stats in latter columns.
Ex. Sort Conversions, Clicks, and Impressions in decreasing order.

How to Verify Sort Numbers

From the Report tab, download the Report Tag or CSV file under “Export”.

  • CSV file
    Specify column numbers.
  • Report Tag
    Specify Item numbers.


Specifies display orientation.

Value Function
right Transpose columns and rows.

Without SHIFT


With SHIFT=right



Outputs data totals.

Value Function
report_sum_none Don’t display totals
report_sum_top Display totals at very top
report_sum_month_last Display totals in 31st row
report_sum_bottom Display totals at very bottom


Specifies maximum rows of report data.

Ex. Total of 15 rows with count unspecified (Shows all rows).


Ex. Total of 15 rows with COUNT=5 (Shows 5 rows).



Bundle remaining rows from COUNT into “Others” row.

Value Function
report_round_up_none Don’t aggregate data exceeding maximum rows in Count.
report_round_up_just_by_count Group data exceeding maximum rows in COUNT into “Others” row.


Specifies dice directly below.

・Dice Type,Attribute Name==’Value’
Note: May denote Comparison Expression with “=”.
“!=” (except for)、”>”、”<“、”>=”、”<=”

・Specifying Multiple Dice
OR → ||
AND → &&



Specifies whether to show lower aspect rows with no data for given output period.

Value Function
true Displays aspect rows even when there is no report data.
※ Will not display when there is no data present for any period.
false Will not output aspect rows when there is no report data.


Specifies sheet to be copied in Sheet Copy tag.

Value Function
Sheet Name Input name of sheet to be copied. For multiple sheets, separate with a comma.
Ex. Daily,Keyword,Ad
Sheet Name${Number}  Use when you want to include Sheet Copy tag data ITEMS in the sheet name.
Specify with ${} in the sheet name. The number specified by {} should be its order in ITEMS.When ITEMS=3,4,5 in the Sheet Copy tag, denote 3 with ${1} to specify the very first item.
The parameters of multiple sheet names may be listed together in PAGES.
Ex. Daily_{1},Keyword_${1},Ad_${1}
Note: Will not display correctly when exceeds Excel character limit.


Used for functions added as options.

Value Function
skip_if_empty Used along with sheet copy tags.
Usage: Will not create sheet as specified in PAGES when stats are absent.
Usage: Added to a suitable tag within the sheet to be copied.
※ A suitable tag is one where values do not output when ad Impressions are 0.